Kathrin Freytag, Kerstin Pfefferkorn: those who are absent : Verena Kerfin Gallery, Köthener Strasse 28, Berlin 10963

Past exhibition
November 22 - December 03, 2020
You could...

...go to Sofia for three days for example. No, not due to professional or other reasons, no, just like that, without money and best in the middle of summer, because the light in Sofia is perhaps as beautiful as in Athens and this warmth, glittering light, the excited cries of school children in a schoolyard in Sofia, thus the sum of all this could stun you so pleasantly, so beautifully inside that lets your thoughts linger, without constantly shaking you and without wanting something from you all the time, you could go to Sofia for three days in summer without money...

One could...

also simply go for a walk here. Maybe you don't have any plans anyway, or you've already done one or some other things, you've just done the things that shake you up and usually always want something, they're probably done and then you go for a walk, preferably where no other people are, at least no adults who joggle you and always want something, who irritate your vision and always disturb your view, or better the look, whereby one feels so comfortable because it slides, because this looking softens the contours, because it makes the edge so tolerably blurred, because actually only the gaze of a child remains halfway sharp, a child’s view of the world while still half asleep, half dreaming, incomprehensible, does not experience the world as a threat, as shaking and pulling the others. One could go for a walk without being disturbed, away from them...

In front of the gallery in the street there is shunting, container offices for a film set. Men are standing there concentrated instructing the vehicles, checking the distances, pausing for a moment, making hasty telephone calls, re-coordinating the metal monsters, there a more precise routing, one who can coordinate even better appears, cranking again on a beautiful autumn day, clear sky, cloudy light, a low sun that is always blinding and a lot of wilted yellow in the trees, one could...

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