Minh Duc Pham

born in Schlema, Germany

lives and works in Berlin, Germany


Exhibition design and scenography at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design



Be here now, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin, Germany

Echos der Bruderländer, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany


Raster der Gewalt: Von Blicken zu Taten, Stadtmuseum, Dresden, Germany

Re-Connect. Kunst und Kampf im Bruderland, Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig, Germany


A Green Thought in a Green Shade, Da Vinci Art Alliance, Philadelphia, USA

TRUNG ĐIỂM | IN-BETWEENNESS, VCCA Vincom Center for Contemporary Art, Hội An, Vietnam

haunting heritage, Center for Literature Havixbeck

Nach:Denkmal, Fuchsbau e.V., Lehrte, Germany


gegen\archive: wer bleibt wo, Prater Galerie + ACUD Berlin, Germany

Mapping Memory - Über Grenzen, Berlin, Germany
The wall between us, Museo MA*GA, Milan, Italy

... oder kann das weg? Fallstudien zur Nachwende, nGbK Berlin, Germany

Liebe und Zuneigung, Badisches Künstlerhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany


Blue Burning, Fluctoplasma Kunstfestival Hamburg, Germany

kunstraum_8020, Steirischer Herbst Graz, Austria

Seen by #14 - Imprinted Matter, Museum für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany


This is water is water is water, Turba Galerie, Hannover, Germany (SOLO)

It is because it’s not forever, Salzufer Studios, Berlin, Germany (SOLO)

P E P V C P T F E P E G, uq-bar, Berlin, Germany (SOLO)

In the center of the periphery, Schloss Plüschow, Germany


bukket, MoKS, Mooste, Estland (SOLO)

We take it from there, Kasern 14, Vaasa, Finland (SOLO)

Haihatus International 7, Taidelaitos Haihatus, Joutsa, Finland (SOLO)

Getting on with it, Textilsetur Islands, Blönduos, Island (SOLO)

We are not same same, Studio Chérie, Berlin, Germany


Without You, I Wouldn’t Feel at Home, Berlin, Germany (SOLO)

OH SO SOLID, ALL THAT AIR, Museum für Fotografie, Berlin, Germany

Zeitausbeute, Art van Demon Galerie, Heidelberg, Germany

From West To East, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China


f-stop festival, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany


Errant Voices, art space Errant Bodies, Berlin, Germany

Globale, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, Germany

Schaudepot-Einlagern Ausstellen, Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg, Germany


2023 TakeHeart Research Grant, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Berlin 

2022 TakeHeart Residency Grant, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Berlin

2022 Sonderförderprogramm NEUSTART KULTUR, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn

2021 Berliner Projektfonds, Urbane Praxis, Berlin

2021 TakeCare Grant, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Berlin

2021 Art Prize of BBBank, Karlsruhe

2020 Grant for Visual Arts, Art Foundation of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart

2020 ‚Best Movie 2020 Award‘, Filmfestival Max Ophüls, Saarbrücken

2020 ‚Socially Relevant Movie‘ Award, Filmfestival Max Ophüls, Saarbrücken

2018 Artist grant, Stundars/Kultur Österbotten (FIN/SWE)
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